Green Libertarianism: The Freedom Based Alternative to The Green New Deal

Green Libertarianism: The Freedom Based Alternative to The Green New Deal

One of the hottest political topics currently in the zeitgeist is the “Green New Deal” that first year Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fancifully proposed and most of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are supporting. For a variety of reasons, this proposal has received a great deal of criticism. Incorrectly, Representative Ocasio-Cortez seems to think no one…

Rebooting The United States of America: Part 1: 80 States

Rebooting The United States of America: Part 1: 80 States

Secession has increasingly been in the news recently. Technically, what is being discussed is partitioning usually, but the word secession catches people’s attention more. After President Trump was elected in 2016 the idea of California seceding from the US was proffered. Since the 2018 mid-term elections, Upstate New Yorkers have again been discussing secession from…

The 2019 State of the Union: The Beginning of President Trump’s 2020 Re-Election Campaign

The 2019 State of the Union: The Beginning of President Trump’s 2020 Re-Election Campaign

On Tuesday February 5, 2019 President Trump delivered his second State of the Union address, and what a speech was! Like most political speeches, this one speech was the good, the bad, and the ugly, all together like a crumpled up piece of paper. He swung back and forth like an unbalanced pendulum in a…