Making Life Beautiful

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National Making Life Beautiful Day isn’t a major holiday, but it is a day worth our notice. As we build and enhance our best, happiest lives, what we add, and what we create should and will be beautiful. Empowerment is a beautiful thing, and empowering ourselves and others is a part of making life beautiful.

Each of us has our own preferences. We all find different things beautiful. It’s empowering to be able to choose what we find beautiful and which things we want to add to our lives. Like planting a flower garden, each of us gets to choose what we prefer and want to surround ourselves with.

A Blue Crown Passion Flower

There are hundreds of different flower species. Roses are commonly cited as favourites by many people. Everyone has their own favourite though. I’ve known a couple people whose favourite flower is the Bird of Paradise. Yes, it’s a real flower, not just a bird. Personally, my favourite is the Blue Crown Passion Flower. Many people would say it’s weird, or ugly. I love it and think it’s beautiful.

Making Life Beautiful Through Love And Freedom

Even more beautiful than our favourite things though, are love and freedom, foundational principles for civilization and human interaction. When we truly love someone we want the best for them. We want them to be happy. We want them to live a beautiful life. Indeed, we see the beauty in them and their life. When we love someone we often see the best in them, and see their potential.

A beautiful life is one of freedom. The more free we are from limitations, debt, and unwanted obligations the more free we are. We are free of stress and guilt. We are able to thrive in glorious freedom.

So many times life can be stressful, depressing, and frustrating. That isn’t the point of life though. Negative experiences are to help us learn, grow, and offer contrast and perspective. Freedom and love are empowering principles. Empowering ourselves and others through freedom and love are priceless parts of making life beautiful.

Garrett Leeds is the founder of the Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness Project

If you would like to support the Life, Liberty, And Pursuit Of Happiness Project, please consider contributing to LLPHP via GoFundMe

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