Juneteenth: An African American Holiday For All Americans

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Galveston, Texas. June 19, 1865. At the Ashton Villa, Union Army General Gordon Granger reads General Order Number 3, a proclamation. In this proclamation, he referenced the Emancipation Proclamation. President Abraham Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation two and a half years earlier on January 1, 1863. In it, he declared slaves in Confederate States to be freed.

General Granger’s General Order Number 3

Many Confederates tried to avoid freeing their slaves, and fled to Texas. Many slaves had not been told they were now free. Texas was one of the last Confederate refuges. Though Confederate General Robert E Lee had surrendered a couple months before, and the Civil War was effectively over, some people continued to try to hang on to the way things had been.

Celebrating Juneteenth

June 19’s Proclamation was commemorated after that each year, though at times the celebrations have declined or been more subdued. Juneteenth is a contraction of June Nineteenth. Although some people haven’t heard of Juneteenth before, it has made a resurgence the last few years. In this time, which may be looked at in the future as the Second Civil Rights Era, when more focus is being given to African Americans and their experiences, Juneteenth is more popular and important than ever.

Juneteenth Celebrations In Northern California

Juneteenth is called America’s Second Independence Day by some. It is a day we should all know, and celebrate. While Juneteenth celebrates the freedom of African Americans specifically, Americans of every race and ethnicity can participate in celebrating this. We can celebrate and support holidays and cultural traditions without appropriation.

There is a bill in Congress to officially recognise Juneteenth as a Federal Holiday. This makes sense. We should celebrate, support, and observe days important to the American people and days significant in our nation’s history. Juneteenth is both.

Juneteenth means freedom and progress. After Juneteenth things weren’t perfect. African American’s situation did improve in many ways though, and Juneteenth was a significant milestone. Juneteenth is an important American Holiday we should all observe and celebrate. Celebrating Juneteenth together will help Americans come together in this difficult time. Juneteenth is an African American holiday for all Americans.

Garrett Leeds is the founder of the Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness Project

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